September 12, 2008


So, I am sitting on the living room floor, watching the Houston news. Somehow I am able to see it on the HD channels. Anyway, I am trying to wrap my brain around the fact that San Leon may not make it through this storm. It is mind boggling and scary. I am very glad my mom decided to leave. I am hoping that everyone I care about had the common sense to leave. Just sitting here see how bad Ike will be. Pray for Galveston and the surrounding coastal areas.


Ms. Sims said...

My Mom-in-law evacuated from San Leon & is safe. We are looking for any news of that area/her neighborhood. Her house is on 5th street.

Ms. Sims said...

Forgot to add...hope everyone in your family is safe.

Cheerful said...

If you need me to check on her house, when I get there on friday...send me her address. A lot of devistation.