February 22, 2010

A New Bloggy layout!

Beauty in the Common Things.... A New Blog Layout!

Listen in...the tv in the far background...and nighttime noises

View from the desk...clutter to be put away

Plans for the day...(tomorrow)  Mops, grocery shopping, last load of laundry, Heart sisters

Dinner...Not sure yet : )

But...now I am tired and must sleeep.   My goal for this week is to blog everyday.  Tonight I looked high and low for a new blog background.  I am NOT computer savey...and I am so proud of myself!  How do you like it?  I wanted a more scrapbooky look...maybe in the future!   As for now, I am going to take a hot bath, read a little, and go to bed and snuggle with my awesome hubby!


~Amy Jo~ said...

Love the new look! Every day blogging...I'm looking forward to reading them. (now you're REALLY obligated, huh?)

Cheerful said...

Wow! The pressure is on! : )