View from the office window: dark sky's...periodic thunder
Plans for dinner: heat up left overs and a can of Clam chowder
Plans for today: Absolutely do nothing today. I am going to read a book, look up an old teacher I thought about today, and play on the computer!
I am having such a weird day. For one thing, I have many little projects I could be working on...yet I don't want to. I went to bible study this morning and the lesson is about our ability to love the people in our lives. So far it proves to be a class that will make me think. Today we just got started on the outline and first video. As those who know and love me are aware...I have issues. I went to many counseling sessions at school growing up and have to say that one of the most influential people in my life was Ms. Switzer. She was my Gatoraid group leader and in many ways changed my life. She doesn't know I feel this way about her, a couple of years ago I sent her a card. Monica's little sister was in her class at the time and reported that she was really touched. Well, long story...not so long... I think I will try to find her today. Maybe she is still at Dickinson High. I feel this overwhelming need to tell her she still inspires me. I know ya'll maybe think...give me a break...but, I plan to teach one day and I think those that have made a difference in our lives need to know. They need to know that for all that they do...13 years or 15years later...they still inspire us to be better than we are. Just last week I finally re-enrolled in college. This time I plan to finish school and teach. What will I teach, that is still the question... I believe God already has the figured out...I just need to get it together enough to get to that point. So, that is what I am planning to do!
On another note, we spent Sunday afternoon with Brent's dad at the lake. I have some adorable pictures of the girl's to share!
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